COVID-19 Policies & Procedures
The safety and well-being of the artists, volunteers and patrons are of utmost importance and remains the highest priority of both The Nebraska Communities Playhouse (NCP) and The STAGE Theater. As we continue to navigate the pandemic and the novel coronavirus, NCP and The STAGE Theater wish to remain transparent and inform you of the policies and procedures implemented to safeguard the health of those visiting, rehearsing/performing or seeing a production at The Nebraska Communities Playhouse.
NCP has implemented the following sanitation procedures and safety protocols for audiences and volunteers, which The STAGE Theater will adhere to for all productions and performances. All efforts have been coordinated with and approved by the Lancaster County Health Department.
Guidelines for Patrons and Volunteers - Effective November 2021
• FACE MASKS - Face masks coverings are REQUIRED attire for all actors, volunteers and patrons and must be worn properly in accordance with CDC guidelines - fully covering both the nose and mouth. NCP will not be accommodating any exceptions. Disposable face masks will be made available at the box office.
• SELF-SCREEN All artists/volunteers/patrons of NCP events and performances of STAGE Theater productions are asked to self-screen for a fever and/or symptoms of illness prior to arriving. (The CDC has expanded the list of symptoms to: fever, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, repeated shaking with chills, repeated muscle pain, headache, sore throat and new loss of taste or smell). Those experiencing a fever or other symptoms of illness are respectfully asked to not attend. If tickets have been purchased, you may request a refund or exchange your tickets to a later production/event.
• Concessions and beverages will be available for purchase prior to and during our fifteen-minute intermissions of all performances. We ask that you monitor those around and eat or drink at times while no other patron in close proximity has their mask lowered. Masks must be returned to proper placement (fully covering the mouth and nose) while not actively eating or drinking.
Box Office:
• The Box Office will open 30 minutes prior to show-time (7PM Thursday/Friday/Saturday performances) and 130PM (Sunday Matinée performances).
• To avoid and minimize contact, The STAGE Theater will no longer be hosting post-show meet-and greets with our casts on-stage. If you enjoyed the performance and wish to share your experience, we encourage you to do so via e-mail @ [email protected] or on The STAGE Theater Facebook Page.
In order to minimize contact, patrons are encouraged to purchase tickets and make payment in advance either on our website via TktAssistant or by contacting our Box Office @ 402.792.8882; however, pending availability, tickets may also be purchased at the door thirty-minutes prior to each performance.
Sanitation Updates:
Hand sanitizing stations are located at convenient points throughout the facility.
The restroom's in NCPs new facility have been outfitted with touchless fixtures. All restrooms and surrounding areas are being sanitized daily and throughout performances.
All theatre audience spaces/backstage areas are wiped down and disinfected after each use (rehearsals and/or performances).
Seating inside the theater will not be spatially distanced, unless preferred. If you have previously purchased a ticket and would like to exchange to a spatially distanced seating option, please contact our Patron Services @ 402.792.8882.
Refunds / Exchanges:
If you have previously purchased a ticket and would like a refund or an exchange, please contact our Patron Services at 402.792.8882.
The Nebraska Communities Playhouse and The STAGE Theater both thank you for your understanding and cooperation in adhering to all implemented COVID-19 related policies & procedures. Please know that these are enforced for the safety of the artists, volunteers, patrons and all members of our community to ensure that we are able to continue to safely bring you live, professional-quality theatrical entertainment. Please continue to take care of yourselves, your loved ones and neighbors. Stay safe. Stay healthy. We remain in this together.
With any questions or concerns regarding our implemented policies and procedures, please contact our patron services at 402.792.8882.